What babies can teach us about love and life?

Babies, these inoffensive little creatures, not only can deeply love other human beings without expecting anything but also teach how vulnerability is a fundamental requisite of our existence. It is ridiculous to perceive that a long time ago, we were babies with an immense and intact capacity to love, laugh, and without too high expectations, just a hug or a kiss would be enough.

Where did we lose ourselves?

Babies don’t care about your status, your income, if you have a big car or a house with a swimming pool. The crying happens not because they are mean, but just because they are scared and perhaps hungry.

So the question also should be, what are we doing with our babies? Are we learning with them, or are we teaching them not only how not to be a baby, but also a terrible future adult?

Babies don’t need selfies. They don’t even care if you are the most popular girl or boy on Instagram. In their gugu gaga language, they might ask themselves what a fuck is his/her father or mother doing all the time on social media, and not wanting to have fun with them.

These dear little things so good to kiss and carry in our lap, are the pure reflection of how we should be. They laugh when they see us, and yes, their kisses are full of drooling. How generous and kind they are.

What babies teach us about love and life:

  1. We’re dependent creatures
  2. Real love is ego-free kind of love, which you don’t expect to receive something in return. You give love because you are in one position where you can to do so.
  3. Hope. Babies are real educators that there is nothing more important than to believe tomorrow will better than today.
  4. Look after your needs, and let the ones who can love and see you, approach, and stay around you.
  5. You don’t need Fakeness or pretend to have a perfect life.
  6. Love is a threat which keep us sane
  7. We all are born with a healthy attachment style and the ability to genuinely love others.

Before we consider the fatherhood task, we need to understand love, how real love happens, and not based on Hollywood or Disney assumptions. Bring a baby to this world is more than having someone who will carry our genes. One baby deserves a healthy household because the world will never mourn the unborn babies, but will the ones who don’t have anyone to love or protect them adequately.

With love,


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29 comentários

    1. You are more than welcome, Robert!
      If we go further, we can then understand why someone individuals see love as something pure and genuine, while others see it as manipulation, control, and engulfment.
      The way we were raised explains a lot about how we will be as adults. I use to say to my close friends, just because the world seems emotionally chaotic doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. 🙂

        Personally, I am more than ready for this task, but I would love to give my children a real father and not just a father. I think you know what I mean.
        I see some individuals like they have a hidden agenda, so they have to have kids quickly because then society will see them as capable. But are they?
        When we expose our children on social media platforms like Instagram to have things sponsored, are we real parents? I am 35, and I still have the need to climb trees.

        What are we doing with our babies and children?

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Someone said children have the biggest heart and it becomes smaller as people age. You love less, hate more. The little things that were fun made no sense to people because they’re busy chasing the bigger emptier things and after obtaining them realise that the small ones were all they ever needed to be happy. But by that time it’s too late…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whitney Houston song, the Greatest Love of All, is actual the concrete definition of how we should educate and see children. When babies are born, their minds are pure, so why destroy it with repression and toxic behaviors? That’s why I do believe and feel that some individuals should never have children at all!
      I want to have children, and I will, but I will give the same education that I had: freedom with responsibility!

      “I believe the children are our are future
      Teach them well and let them lead the way
      Show them all the beauty they possess inside
      Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
      Let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Seria maravilhoso se, tal como os bebês, nós fossemos influenciados por beijos, abraços e carinho. E, não, como você falou, pelo número de seguidores nas redes sociais, ou pela conta bancária e bens materiais. Somos tão idiotas, na maioria das vezes que me pergunto: porque temos que crescer?
    Forte abraço, Lexa!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Olá Ricardo,

      obrigada pelo teu comentário.

      O problema não está no termos de crescer, mas sim, como esse crescimento acontece. Tocaste num ponto muito importante, as redes sociais e a falsa imagem de perfeição que vendem todos os dias. Se olharmos ainda mais profundamente como as redes sociais são construídas percebemos porque não nos devemos expor a estas, nem as nossas crianças.
      O Facebook, Instagram e Youtube usam algoritmos para que com base nas tuas escolhas pessoais, apenas apareça conteúdo do teu interesse. Este processo fará com que a tua produção de dopamina aumente o que, por sua vez, te leve a acreditar que pessoas que têm uma visão diferente da tua estão erradas.
      Passemos isto agora para a forma como nos comportamos nos relacionamentos íntimos, existe alguma coisa de familiar? Claro que sim! A superficialidade e a noção de que à primeira contrariedade mais vale desistir e encontrar outra pessoa mais “adequada”. E a questão é, existe alguém perfeito? Provavelmente, para quem gosta de estar estagnado na vida, e gosta de ser controlado como carneiro sim. Para quem tem o cérebro acordado não.

      Posto isto, os bebés quando nascem têm o cérebro desperto para aquilo que é a vida real. Para os bebés não existe discriminação, status social ou outra “merda” qualquer. Os bebés e a maioria das crianças até pelo menos os dois anos são consideradas puras, são os pais que as transformam e fazem delas pequenos grandes adultos.

      Devemos crescer sim, mas é altura de acordar para aquilo que está à nossa volta com olhos de ver. Nem tudo o que é moda, é bom!

      Outro abraço 😉

      p.s: nós somos influenciados por beijos, abraços e carinhos e existe por aí muito boa gente com capacidade para tal, dar e receber.

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